The Heart & Heart Chakra: Part 1

What follows is a conversation about this subject that I had with my gang of friends who currently occupy the non-physical levels … (who might just be me, or aspects of me, who knows. I’m just not sure yet.)

My request: Talk to me about the heart, and the heart chakra.

We know where you would prefer start, but let us begin in another position and work our way to it. We would like first for you to see from one perspective, then another, with the implication that there are yet other viewpoints, and all of them complete and valid.

The heart, as a physical (ahem*) entity, could be viewed as a manifestation of the Whole Heart. In other words, all are one heart, and that one is a consciousness in and of itself, as well as being many (all) hearts. This is not quite Truth but is accurate. Neither is it quite the understanding of those who speak of “one heart” but they are close enough to work with this.

From this perspective, it matters not whether you “open your heart” for that is a nonsensical instruction. Your heart cannot be anything other than what it essentially is, which is an individual heart, and also a participant in the One Heart, which is of All That Is. The heart is always “open,” for it can be nothing but by its nature. What people mean by this is not to open the heart, but to open the conscious mind to the awareness of the heart.

And so, through “awareness ” … we meet the mind. The current cultural picture, whether individuals realize it or not, is that the mind resides naturally (sits most naturally, works most naturally) in or through the brain, or in the head. This is an erroneous assumption. As you know from experience, the mind can be anywhere – anywhere within the body, anywhere within the world, anywhere outside of the world, for it is Whole, it is consciousness, limitless. It is at home anywhere, for it is everywhere.

(to be continued …)

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