‘Answers About The Afterlife’ by Bob Olson

Bob Olson is a former skeptic and private investigator who began investigating evidence of life after death after the passing of his father in 1997. This event ignited questions in Bob that he never before considered, so he decided to use his skills as a private eye to investigate the afterlife. Bob is the hostContinue reading “‘Answers About The Afterlife’ by Bob Olson”

Letters to my Immortal Beloved by Petra Gerda Paul

Letters to My Immortal Beloved is a short, touching collection of letters that Petra Gerda Paul wrote to her husband after his death. Petra’s husband had Alzheimer’s, a heartbreaking disease for everyone involved. Petra writes very simply and honestly about some lessons she learned as a caretaker, and about the power of love to healContinue reading “Letters to my Immortal Beloved by Petra Gerda Paul”

AfterlifeTV Interview, Part 3 has been posted

Bob Olson’s third interview of me for Afterlife TV is now posted and ready for viewing here … or you can watch it on YouTube here. This is the 3rd interview that I’ve done with Bob. If you missed the first ones, you’ll find them on the Afterlife TV webpage (here), just scroll down below this latest interview.Continue reading “AfterlifeTV Interview, Part 3 has been posted”

Dean Radin’s new book released: Supernormal

Dean Radin’s new book is out: “Supernormal: Science, Yoga, and the Evidence for Extraordinary Psychic Abilities. I haven’t read this book (it was just released today), but will go out on a limb and recommend it because Dean Radin’s other books are excellent. Check it out here: Supernormal

Book Review: “Divining Truth”

Toni Elizabeth Sar’h Petrinovich’s book ‘Divining Truth’ is packed with insight and perspectives that explain and expand ideas of reality. Toni channels what she refers to as divine Source, answering questions that she’s received from clients through years of readings. These aren’t the pat answers, and follow no creed or belief system. Each chapter offersContinue reading “Book Review: “Divining Truth””

Reflections on Afterlife of Billy Fingers

‘Afterlife of Billy Fingers’ by Annie Kagan is a lightweight book about Ms Kagan’s communications with her brother Billy after he died. Billy was an alcoholic and drug addict, and Ms Kagan’s portrait of him is of a wild hearted, troubled, trouble-making and charming man. His afterlife communications with her offer an example of whyContinue reading “Reflections on Afterlife of Billy Fingers”

Application of Impossible Things Featured Book

My book “Application of Impossible Things” is being featured by the publisher, Ozark Mountain Publishing. Discounted! Available for order online! Read reviews on their website! Click here for the link … Ozark has some other interesting books available as well – browse around.

Update: radio interview March 13

My interview with Wendy Garrett on http://www.empoweradio.com has been changed to March 13.

Online radio interview

NOTE: date change! Interview rescheduled – will post new date when I know it for sure (probably March) Wendy Garrett will interview me for her show on Empower Radio on Jan 23. Not sure what time it will air – will post that closer to the date along with the link to her show. Www.empoweradio.com

How to Live Our Lives (or You’re Asking Me?!)

I’ve had a few emails from readers of Application of Impossible Things, asking me if I have advice for “how to live our lives.” This is, at first glance, an alarming question to me. Why are they asking me?! Everyone’s life is their own, and I sincerely believe that each individual knows or can knowContinue reading “How to Live Our Lives (or You’re Asking Me?!)”